A Few 2001-02 Photos
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Meal time
Johnson hog hunt
Seay quail hunt
Windmill at dusk
Smoke, sun, controlled burn in shinnery
Sherwood quail hunt
Ike Sayle 10pt, 19.5" inside spread, 138WT
Kevin Sayle 10pt, 5" drop tine, 24.5" inside spread, 153WT
Steve Thompson 5x5 + stickers, 139MD
Rick Griffith 10pt, 158WT
Tom Dumbroski 10pt, 142WT
Bill and Max Griffin blizzard WT
Herb Cryar blizzard MD
John Sudderth blizzard MD
Art Smith 8pt, 137WT
Trickett group morning quail hunt
Jeff Glance nice MD
Russ Daniel 8pt, 20.375" inside spread, 151WT
Gerald Whitehouse 10pt, long tines, 156WT
Ryan Dorak old WT, long brow tines, good mass
Jack Coker 10pt, split brow, 19.5" inside spread, 153WT
Robson group morning quail hunt
10 year old Cody Coker made a nice shot on this buck
Traynham group morning quail hunt
Steve Thompson 10pt, good mass WT
WT cull buck, 24.625" inside spread
Pendley group quail hunt
Haverfield group quail hunt
Reuter group quail hunt
Haymes group quail hunt
Flash and Milk have got 'em
Eagles on windmill jockeying for the best spot at dawn
Hustling up to the covey
These gobblers have fought nearly every day since Jan. 4
Wilson group quail hunt
This javelina means business
Lewis group quail hunt
Mealtime again
Homemade Cherry Pie
Homemade Pumpkin Pie
Homemade Pecan Pie
Quail body fat comparison - front view  - We broadcast milo over most pasture roads year round with hopes of helping our quail population.  It seems to have made a significant difference this year, a poor habitat year.  The birds shown in these photos were taken from pastures with virtually identical cover and food sources except one pasture is fed year round and the other is never fed.  Both birds were healthy adults and were good representatives of their particular area.  The fat differences have become more pronounced as the season progresses.
Quail body fat comparison - back view
Roosting dove


More photos on the way!!!!!!!!!!


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P.O. Box 1095
Idalou, TX  79329
(806) 407-8808 Mobile
(866) 389-2477  FAX
(806) 407-8807 Ruthie's Mobile
(806) 596-4685  Hunting Lodge
e-mail:     james@mcohunts.com
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